Half Sphere Metatron’s Cube
Half Sphere Metatron’s Cube
The Half Sphere Metatron’s Cube embodies the sacred geometry formula of ultimate balance and divine energy. Inspired by the Angel of Creation, this symbol reflects the eternal harmony and interconnected forces of the universe. Features: Metatron’s Cube: A representation of sacred geometry, symbolizing the perfect equilibrium of energy and creation. Black Kyanite Quartz: Found within the sphere, this powerful crystal connects you to the memory of your soul, guiding you toward your divine origin. Its subtle yet profound vibration invites expansion and trust in the infinite possibilities of life, harmonizing your space with uplifting energy. Purpose: This orgonite tool radiates high-frequency energy, creating an atmosphere of harmony, confidence, and spiritual expansion. Perfect for those seeking to integrate their soul’s essence and navigate life’s paths with renewed clarity and strength.